Sunday, February 24, 2013

2013 What I Believe

1. I enjoy learning with him.
2. Excellence is not something to preach it's something to live by to set an example.
3. Recognize his gifts regularly.

Husband and Friend
1. Mary is my best friend
2. Marriage is not a given you need to nurture it often.

1. Remain present, forget the past and mold the future.
2. Eat Clean Whole Foods - Limit packaged food. Load fruits and vegetables early in the day.
3. Get hungry sometimes.
4. Enjoy Music regularly.

1. Mobility is more important than flexibility and flexibility is important
2. Strength is everything.
3. Your feet are everything - Take Care of them
3. Go out there with a purpose. Just to get away is not a purpose. Make each effort count.
4. You don't have to accept age as a limiter.

1. I've always tried to live the Netflix Way
2. Love what you do for a living.

It's a good life....

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